
How do i get my 2 year old son to stop playing with his p***s?

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He has always played with it during diaper changes but i never payed any attention to it thinking that if i did that it would just get worse. Now that i am potty training him he puts his hands down his pants even when he does not have to go. this time he pulled his p***s up between his diaper and stomich and instead of asking to go to the bathroom he peed. getting everything around him in the process. Please if anyone has suggestions on how to stop this let me know.




  1. It is a phase...never scold your child for touching themselves. Its a natural thing! He's   probably learning that there is something there, and hey, when he touches feels good. Just ignore it, and as he gets older and is able to understand more....just let him know that its not okay to touch yourself in public...and is a private thing.....and it should only be done when he's alone. But thats when the age of masterbation comes.......until then, let him explore his body....and pinch and poke at everything he wants. ;)

    Good luck!! :)

    PS: my boy is 1 1/2 and is the same way!!

  2. lol - good luck with that one, honey.... if the big boys can't stop, how can you expect the little ones to stop? Have you ever seen the monkey house at the zoo? Primate hands are perfectly made for handling the "equipment", I am sorry to say.

    My husband always said if we could keep our 4 year old from actually masturbating in public, we would be ahead of the game. We tell him "oh, that is private business, if you want to play with your p***s, you need to do it somewhere private". Don't get mad about it, just be matter-of-fact and let him know that penises are private and do not come out in public.

    Potty training boys is a challenge. My mother swore by using an old empty peanut butter jar - my brother would sometimes refuse to use the potty but would pee into the jar quite happily on command, and she would wash it out again.

    Whatever you do, don't laugh at the pee antics. If he thinks it is funny, you are sunk.

    My son was all of 3 before he was trained, sorry to say. Good luck!

  3. i agree with gona be a moma :)

  4. It's normal and I taught my son that he can touch himself in the bathroom or bedroom but not in public. As long as you allow him to explore his body and set up guidelines you'll be fine. This is just the beginning of man's fascination with his parts. My son is 4 and he's still very interested in his.

  5. just a phase. it happens.

  6. Good question! My son just learned to potty train and now he won't leave it alone! Hope it's just a phase!

  7. there is not much you can do.. do not make it seem like a "bad" thing.. your potty training so your going to have accidents just accept that and prepare to clean them.. in the meantime when he touches himself just tell him its not like a big boy to do that infront of people, that he can do it in his room.. dont shun him from it but teach him he should not do it infront of people.. it will pass with time

  8. this is normal at this age (any typical male eh? ha ha) but seriously  the more you make a thing of it the more he will do it, when you see him doing it at times you think are inappropriate distract him with something else, when you are out in public you will just have to make it clear that its not something he is allowed to do.

  9. just   let  him  do  it  at   home  and  no where else

  10. He just has to learn that there is a place for that.Either in the bathroom or his bedroom.Not everywhere.

    Put the diaper on tighter so he cannot get his hand in there.Is a thing that makes pee,not a toy.Some boys seem obsessed with that thing.

  11. i was reading that masterbation is so completely normal at age two. just try not to let him do it in public, but don't try to tell him it is done in private cause he wont understand at this age. my son is almost four, he will play with it, watch it get hard,and then soft....i don't like it at all.....but there isn't really much that can be done. my daughter is two and they said she may even reach an o****m.....but it has alot to do with potty training and seeing and feeling diffrent things such as underware. good luck.

    go to baby and then search masterbation.

  12. Yes,it's normal. He will grow out of it.

  13. let nature take it course (rd frued) it happens he has discovered something new and he'llcontinue to b amused with it for ahile until he discoveres his a**s so b thankful. it gets worse. All boys learning to use potty have trouble withe their p***s it just gets in the way it sicks up when its meant to point down - u r going to have a lot of accidents just like every other motherr of boys . girls are a lot easier as they dont have anything to get in the way but they too play with their bits - again nothing unusual ( or sexual - might i add) its just discovery of new things that they havent being aware of b4

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