
How do i get my 2 year old to eat more then she does already?

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Well my 2 year old is not eating that much. She is not thin her weight is normal but she will eat just a little bit i don't know if that is the amount of food she should eat. She likes to eat frutes a lot but not much of meat products and i am worried that she won't get enough vitamins from other foods too....




  1. give her stuff she likes

  2. I've had this same problem with my 17 month old.

    It's normal.

    here in a couple of weeks i bet she'll be stuffing her face and you'll be worried she's eating too much.

    Unless there's a significant amount of weight loss, you shouldn't be worried. She'll eat when she's hungry and she'll eat enough to her fill her tummy up!

    if you're worried about the vitamins and nutrients shemay be lacking you should try pediasure.

  3. For a little while I started buying Instant Breakfast shakes for my son when he went through that faze. It helped him get the vitamins that he needed and he loves anything called a milkshake.

  4. If she is not going through a growing spurt, her intake will diminish.  When she starts growing again her appetite will increase.  She will let you know when she is hungry.  If her weight in on track there is nothing to worry about.

  5. this is awful and i know it but right now my son is 2 and will only eat pizza chicken nuggets mac n cheese corn,french fries and hot dogs thats it.i offer other foods with these things but right now it's all he wants to eat there very picky at this age.

  6. She will be okay. She'll eat when she is hungry .. I went through this with my 2 year old son he was fine I just had a MIL calling me every couple hours "Has he had anything to eat yet?" and  "How much did he eat?" Oh how that drove me crazy within a couple of days was back to eating normally. If your worried shes not getting enough vitamins get her some tablets my son loves the flintstone ones you just give her half of one every day.

  7. you can get all the same vitamins and minerals thats in meat from vegtables and fruit, which will make her even healthier...or you could always sneak in hiddne calories..

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