
How do i get my 20 month off the pacifier?

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We have a 20 month old, very hyper yet sweet daughter.

We are trying hard to take the pacifier away. She really only uses it at night time and never wants it during the day. Should i even bother wheening her off of it or wait? And if i should, anyone have any ideas on what to do? her screaming and yelling is enough for me to give the pacifier back to her. I don't know what to do.




  1. I guess from the above answers cutting a hole isn't a bad idea. But what I did was keep my daughter up till she was really tired and when I laid her in bed she was asleep before she could ask for the pacifier. Then try that for the next night, once you break the cycle for a couple days the children don't even think about them anymore. I did that for 2 of my 3 girls and the third hates them.

    by the way nuks have a problem with teeth and speech impediment so I suggest as soon as possible

  2. Try and cut a small hole in the tip of all of your pacifiers. It will take the "suck" out of it and will become less appealing.

  3. When all else fails, you must fix yourself first.  "Her screaming and yelling is enough for me to give the pacifier back to her."  That statement says it all.  Take the pacifier away, toss it in the trash, and never see it again.  It sounds harsh, but she's almost two.  Where will you finally draw the line?  Children are cute, and adorable, and sweet...but when parents forget that they have to make and enforce the rules, we end up with wild teenagers and disorderly adults in the years to come.  Do NOT spoil your child...leave that to her grandparents.

  4. We just phased out the binky by "losing" a few. When my son was asleep and then binky had fallen out of his mouth, we'd take it and put it in a drawer. Then the next night when he was ready for bed he'd lok for it and "oops! We must have lost it" After a few nights of this he was binky free as we had "lost" them all!

    My husband's older son gave his binky to the baby flamingos at the zoo! Hubby tied a string around the end of it and let his son throw it in with the flamingos. Then his mom got his attention (I'm sure with big hugs and praises) and hubby used the string to pull the binky out of the animals cage. He never used a binky again!

    I also saw on SuperNanny a little girl collected all of the binkies in the house and put them in a small gift bag. The Binky Fairy (spin off of the Tooth Fairy?!?) was going to come in the middle of the night and take all of the binkies to new babies that "needed" them. She left a "big girl" prize in place of them. Hey it worked for that kid!

    Good luck!  

  5. replace it with a bottle instead or cut a hole in the top so it  reacts like a bottle would when there is nothing but air. or you can just throw it away and comfort her to sleep.

  6. Just take it away and tell her its not for anymore. Take her to a toy store and let her pick out a stuffed animal to sleep with instead of the pacifier. When she starts crying for the pacifier just let her cry. Explain to her its gone and walk away. If you keep giving it back you will never win this battle. You have to hold your ground and be the parent.  

  7. we did not try the hole in the pacifier but that seems like a great idea..but somrthing that worked was puting something on the pacifier that taste disgusting but isnt harmful to the child...alot of ppl say to use cod liver oil...we used a little drop of hot sauce but you can try anything that your kid hates...and if it taste like that every time they try to suck it they wont want it

  8. Considering that use of a pacifier and thumb sucking can cause major dental issues.  I'd go cold turkey.

    You are the parent...if you can't handle the crying you really need to step up your game.  All things in life are not rosy.  Comfort her and tell her that she doesn't need the paci.  Your child should be able to find comfort in you and not in an object.

    I am very anti-pacifiers.  Children are able to self just need to help them get to that point.

    Good luck.

  9. I would try to ween her as early as you can.  My son is 2 1/2 and is attatched to his pacifiar.  My son is facinated by garbage trucks, and the garbage men let him throw his paci out.  He thought it was so cool, until the garbage truck drove away with  It's really hard for me to get him off of it, because my baby uses one and he'll just take it right out of his mouth.  The best thing to do is hide the pacifiars, and tell her the paci fairy took them for other babies.  That's what we are going to do, my husband actually took a week off at the end of August to help me out, because I know he's going to freak out.

  10. My daughter used a pacifier then sucked her thumb until she was four. I just let her wean herself off it when she was ready.

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