
How do i get my 21 month old to stop spitting?

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every time he gets mad or excited abt something he starts spitting. its nasty. putting him in time out and other disapline hasnt helped. we have tried spanking him i dont like it but it didn't help. help yall




  1. I've seen different responses to a child spitting. One parent spit back, and another one would pop his son on the mouth for spitting. Both got the job done....

      As for me, at 21 months, I'd probably smack very lightly on the mouth and tell them it's gross!

  2. like it or not he will stop on his own if you give to much attention on it he will continue to get a rile out it

  3. A 21 month old does not understand manners the way a 5 or 6 year or a 12 year old does.  Spitting appears to be his way of expressing disappointment or anger.  If you ever laughed or were amused by the spitting, that might have something to do with it.  But right now, spanking or loud fussing about it won't work effectively.  Firmly saying "no, not good" or something like "I don't like that" may be more effective along with a serious time out like being put in the bed or in a corner might help.  A lot depends on your parenting style.   If you are laid back, you may have to raise the bar in terms of what is acceptable.  You may have to remind your little one at the beginning of each day that spitting is a bad habit and that spitting is not allowed in your home and that if he spits, he will be in the corner, time out chair or favorite activities/toys will be removed.  Discipline will help if you are consistent and serious about it.  Youngsters have nothing else to do, while parents are usually exhausted so it's easy for them to press us since they have more energy and don't ever have to do laundry, prepare meals or pay bills.  Often when disciplining a child, it's a test of wills. My own children have even said that children will test a parent to see how far they can go and to see how much they can get away with.

  4. You can't stop him! He goes through stages

  5. Time out doesn't work yet because he doesn't have a concept of time.Parenting/psychology class I took in college.

    Spanking didn't work for child because he just doesn't respond to that.Spanking with your boy might cause him to lash out even more(Just based on what you have said).Depends on the child.

    Taking his toys away might cause him to spit even more at first,and then stop.It really depends.

    My friend put a sock in her sons mouth,and that seemed to work.I wouldn't recommend it thou not very sanitary.


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