
How do i get my 3 week old kittens to go to the bathroom?

by Guest57084  |  earlier

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these kittens mom got hit on the 21st... and they havnt took a poo since and im worried.. cause they still wanna eat.. but there bellys are really full. will they be okay? is there anything i can do?




  1. You may need to hold their bums under warm water while you stimulate them to go. They should start going on their own soon.

  2. Are they eating hard food now? If they are, and they still don't go, put them in a littler box, cats instinctively want to go in a sandy, loose soil like place to potty, and once they feel the litter, they might feel like going.

  3. take a warm cloth and massage (gently) their butts. the mother stimulates with her tongue to get kittens to go you will have to improvise until they learn to go themselves. sounds like they have worms also. which need to be treated by a vet.

  4. hi i know this sounds strange but you are going to need to rub their butts with warm wash cloths to stimulate them going to the bathroom. the mom would usually do this herself.....and guess are now the mom!!!!!  good luck

  5. when i first got my kitten she didn't go to the bathroom for like three days... she felt the stress. animals feel the stress too.

  6. The mother cat licks the kitties bottoms to stimulate them to have a bowel movement. Just lightly rub over their little a**s five or six times a day.4-6 strokes each time. If this doesn't help see a vet .Good luck and give your self a pat on the back for trying this hard task.

  7. Has these kittens used the bathroom on their own before? If not, here is what you need to do.

    You will need to get a good textured wash cloth- like terrycloth- to simulate the mother´s tongue. Get the wash cloth wet with very warm water: it should be wet, but not dripping. Gently wash the kitten´s face by moving across the eyes and nose area. After the face, gently wash the genital area, this will stimulate the bladder to work, and in the later weeks, teach the kitten to clean itself after a bowel movement.

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