
How do i get my 3 year old in nursery?

by  |  earlier

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i've heard the government provide vouchers for nursery for over 3's but really don't have a clue how to go about getting it.

my son only turned 3 in december so the school he's registered for wont place him till september.




  1. Where do you live?my nephew started nursery today and he also turned 3 in december,it's a nursery at a school not a private one. I think you may have to get in touch with tax credits  for help with childcare costs.(UK)0845 3003900.

    you could also put his name down at some other local schools maybe they'll have a place for him a bit sooner.Good luck.

  2. In Scotland you register the child into your local nursery after their 2nd birthday. Depending on their 3rd  birthday they get a place free of charge in local authority school nurseries. In the private sector the government pay for 2 1/2 hours a day 5 days a week but only term time not during holidays. Your pre five education would keep you right.

  3. I would start by ringing your local council and ask for the education department. They should point you in the right direction.

  4. there is pre- k and head start and it is a income requirement call the school nearest you and get info they may direct you to the board of ED do it now before spring ,I think they take low income first as far as vouchers are concerned you would have to come under a income level also but your social services have that info.don't wait classes fill up fast.Good luck

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