
How do i get my 5 week old to sleep anywhere except on me? Also question re: feeding enclosed?

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I cannot get my 5 week old to sleep anywhere except on me how do i get her to sleep in her cot or bassinett, also just of an evening she wont suck on her bottle during the day she drink fine its only at night? any advice would help.




  1. Are you bottle feeding exclusively?  A baby that age should be eating every couple hours.  It's not good if your baby is not eating anything at all during the day.

    Of course your baby wants to sleep on you.  She was in your tummy for 9 months and it is comforting to sleep this way.  I would try lying down on your bed with her on your chest.  After a while slowly turn over on your side and lie her down so she is now on the bed.  Still snuggle her and if she stays asleep slowing move away and get up.  Just make sure there are no pillows or blankets around that could suffocate her.

  2. Wrapping or swaddling can help your baby feel safe and secure sleeping alone (eventually) and putting something small or flat in the cot or bassinet that smells like you (yesterdays tshirt tucked over the mattress) can help lots too. But the thing is, you carried your baby so close to you, they feel secure, safe and loved being with you and don't understand the big wide world, it is very scary and you are your baby's lifeline, try not to be too hard on yourself or your baby and just try to find a happy medium between cuddles, sleep and feeds, your baby will adjust with time.

    The feeding thing, are you breast feeding and supplementing with a bottle during the day or exclusively bottle feeding?

    If you are breast feeding then that is why your baby is rejecting the bottle (warm flesh and cuddles with the person you love most of all over a rubber nipple). But if you are exclusively bottle feeding it would be unusual for a baby to reject feedings at 5 weeks because their tummies are so tiny. If it continues I would take your baby to get a check up just in case.

  3. If it's getting too much on you (which I can definitely understand - I had a baby with colic) buy a swing and don't worry about people telling you baby will get used to it (worry about that later at around 3-4 months)

    Swaddle the baby (even if she cries)

    Say ssshhh sshhh over and over again

    Get baby to take a pacifier

    Sing to the baby (don't worry if your voice sucks)

    It gets better I promise. When you can't handle it anymore a baby crying for 10 minutes is OK!!!

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