
How do i get my 6yo to stop having accidents?

by  |  earlier

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she is going to the bathroom 5-6 times before lunch! dr says everything came back normal. any suggestions?




  1. Limit her intake of fluids.  Cut out ALL soda drinking (soda causes gas, gas causes bloating, bloating causes pressure on the bladder, pressure on the bladder causes accidents).  Start getting her up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  The first week or so you will have to get up with her until it becomes a pattern.  Get plastic mattress covers.  If the problem persists take her to the doctor and insist he refer her to a specialist.  Just because all tests come back normal doesn't mean there isn't a problem somewhere, a specilaist may do other tests to find it.

  2. bring her to the doctor! there may be a legit medical reason for this.

    i actually learned that a dear friend of mine had a problem like this while having this same discussion with another friend about that friends child.

  3. i agree with

  4. where is she having accidents at. school, home, in public or all the above. because I had to use pull ups mine to finally break her. she got to where she hated the pull ups

  5. Having a had a child who had major issues like this, don't get frustrated with her. Be supportive -

    Like the other readers have mentioned, put her in pull ups to avoid any humiliation at school.  Is she drinking alot?  try to reduce that first,  is she going completely when she goes - sounds like she might be holding some in each time.  Try to make a game that is she "pees" for x number of seconds she gets an oreo or something?     Kids dont always empty their bladders which makes them go multiple times in a short amount of time.  Once its finally empty (sounds like from the night before?) she makes it through the afternoon pretty good?    This turned out to be our issue - and i thought he really had diabetes or something!

    If this doesnt work, i would have her tested to see if she has a small bladder and also more blood work done from another doctor just to get a second opinion.  best of luck

  6. follow up with the doctor.  is it a nervous bladder or is she well hydrated?  ask for a referral to a urologist to be sure.

  7. If she's having accidents multiple times a day, I would put her in pull-ups to break the cycle of failure and shame for starters. If that didn't help, I would continue to press the doctor (or a new doctor) for some answers.

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