
How do i get my 9 yr old girl to stand up for herself this year!? more-?

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shes 4'4''-skinny-long blond hair-too nice-loves dressin like hannah montana etc

kids cut her logos off her shirts/cut her hair/call her names/steal her things/push her etccc n shes still nice to the little freaks!

i tell her to punch them in the nose/shut up/demand to get her things back/push them back/etcccc n still she lets them walk all over her. she has friends but when they all get together they pick on her. at home shell tell anyone who-what-where-when n why but not at school.

the other day her older (10) friend gave her her too small clothes n got all the kids together to come over n call her poor rat trash cause she HAD to give her clothes. WHAT!!!! my daughter was just takin it! i told her to give the clothes back n say shes got her own but she didnt want to be mean. im gettin really pissed at everything n dont know what to do!!! ANY TIPS!!!???





  1. Well Im in highschool and all I know is the principle/guidancecan get anyone suspended or immediately expelled for physical and violent abuse.Well Id go and talk to the principle of her school...

    Or call these girls' mothers..

  2. Enroll her in karate. Take a class with her.

    Wear your new black belt to drop her off at school.

  3. Sorry your daughter has to go through this, ugh, sometimes I hate bratty kids. Tell her to toughen up, maybe have her take some karate classes. Anything. h**l, if I was your daughter, I would seriously fight those f#cking bratty kids, it would be a big brawl. I'm sorry if I cussed, but seriously kids like those brats seriously really p**s me off.

  4. by all means please don't act on what i tell you before you think it all through.

    when i was about 10 my next door neighbors would get after me with sticks an one day my mom caught me running across the field to house from them and told me if i did not go back over there and walk back across that field what she would do to me and i knew she meant ever word of it

    i went back took care of my business needless to say i never had to run again nor even fight them again.

    thinking back on that i still think i could have been seriously hurt by them d**n sticks an rocks

    another time my nephew came home talking about this over grown bullier that was on the high school foot ball team he was a junior and my nephew was just in the 8th grade.i new my nephew could not beat the boy up but i also new the boy he was going to fight would back down and that he would have his hands full with my nephew who was also on the 8th grade school foot ball team and that before the boy could defend himself and hurt my nephew to bad the school bus driver would have it broke up

    needless to say the boy flip my nephew on the ear and my nephew mashed that boys in the mouth the boy couldn't even fight all he could do was wrestle and hold my nephew some my nephew did not get hurt but like i said, i knew who he was up against and the kind of boy he was up against.

    it seems to me you have a very good daughter and what concerns me is what this all has done and maybe doing to her mental health.if she is like you say at home it sounds like she is scared of something at school and the way chrildren are in some schools today its scary but i would not want your daughter to grow in to be one of them kids that blows and shoots a school up because she was tired of being mistreated at school by a bunch of bullies

    i would  want to know why she was scared  and who she was scared of and if she had a good reason to be scared

    and if she needed some kind of mental help to over come her fear if she had good reason to be scared

    i hope that helps but think it all through before you act upon it and good luck

  5. CALL THESE PARENTS of these BRATS..dont take it...also get ahold of your school's principle and teachers...DEMAND something to be done about it with all of them....all you can do with your daughter is show her how to stand up for herself mainly with words and to walk if they toush her..thats another story..then you need to teach her how to stand up for herself physically. otherwise make sure your daughter stops hanging out with them, ignores them, ect.  if nothing seems to be helping, if possible send her to a different school. man if i were youid be soo mad as well...i hope it all works out for you can press charges on the school for doing nothing..they are in charge of your daughter and her care for 8-9 hours. making sure she is cared for includes making sure she isnt getting bullied.  especially if they are actually physically harming her.  say something..they HAVE to do something.

  6. go to school and find out what's happening in the classroom. doesn't sound like your daughter has good friends. maybe try switching schools?? to get her to gain confidence and maybe new friends is enrolling her in sports. maybe try talking to the parents of these kids or scaring the kids if you can

  7. lil **** slapping should do the trick

  8. Yes, I have a suggestion for you: Rescue your child, stop feeding her to the world, and home school her. Why would you stand by and rely on the school system to discipline these bullies and be in charge of your child's care for 8 hours a day? It makes no sense to me! You are her mother! If you don't advocate for her, do you think anyone else will?

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