
How do i get my Teacher off my back?

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My science teacher keeps telling me I need to focus less on sports and more on my grades. I'm only getting a B in her class, so i don't see the problem. How do I get her to leave me alone?




  1. She thinks you are capable of As.  Work harder, and she won't bother you any more.

  2. Maybe instead of getting her to leave you alone, you could try to hear her out - have a talk.  If you have a B, what is her concern?  Ask her!  Maybe there is something else she is seeing - remember, it is almost assured that she believes she is acting in your best interest.  Even if you don't agree, you should listen to what she has to say.  Then, you can make your own decision about what is best for you.  She should respect that.

  3. Say ok i know! lol

  4. Tell you teacher that you know, and that youd appreciate i if they stoped annoying you about it.  if it continues, you may have to talk to your principle or counselor about it.

    dont be afraid to let your parents know about it either


  5. Get your Coach to have words with your Science Teacher.  They can understand between them the importance of both academic and physical training.

  6. Maybe she wants to bring out your FULL potential! Just maybe... with a little could be achieving an A!

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