
How do i get my baby italian and american citizen and passport?

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I'm an Italian citizen, living in Italy with regular italian passport. i'm having a baby in september (in Italy) to an American father, with American citizen and passport. We r not married yet and we won't be by the time the baby will be born. I guess the baby's gonna be an Italian citizen for sure, but how do i get him/her the double citizen? and how do i get him/her a double(italian and american ) passport? need to know that cause we r moving to US by end of year and i dont know nothing about that :) thanks to y'all!!




  1. suo figlio restera' un semplice cittadino italiano almeno che  ti sposi prima della nascita   this will not change your  child  citizenship  it will always be italian   the  birth is not  recognised by american authorities  you can only   be admitted  for no longer then 3 months  after that you will be al illegal  subject to arrest and deportation   when you do marry your future husband will ahve to sponsor   you  via I130  it can atke up to 1.5 yrs before you will enter  the usa

  2. I think you should check the nationality laws in Itali\y and the US.

    My grandfather is US citizen but my grandmother is not.

    As far as I know, at age 18, my mom and her siblings were asked to choose their nationality between my grandma's or grandpa's...  I guess it will be the same for your child as long as the birth certifcate indicates that the father is US citizen then he can eventually choose later on,...

    As for the passpport...  hm.. my mom and her siblings never carried US passports only until they chose to be US citizens... sorry please check immigration/ embassy website to be sure :-)

    Good luck and may you have a safe birth and healthy baby!

    Congratulations to you and your fiance!

  3. The father of the baby needs to register the birth at the American Embassy in Italy within 30 days of the birthdate.  If ONE parent is an American citizen, and he has lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years of his life....that child is an American citizen.  The birth MUST be registered at the American embassy to protect the child's  American citizenship.  An American passport can also be obtained at the embassy for the child.  See 1st site below and read section on "Through birth abroad to one U.S. citizen."  See 2nd site to read about registering the birth at the U.S. Embassy or consulate nearest you in Italy.

  4. I think you'll have to go to your US embassy once your baby is born. I don't think they get automatic US citizenship unless both parents are US citizens.

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