
How do i get my baby to eat more less often?

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My 3mos old used to eat 5oz every 4hrs now he is eating only 3-4oz every 2 or 3hrs. How do I get him back on every 4 hrs?

And how do I know when he is ready for baby cereal? I know we are suposed to wait til after 4mos but how do we know?




  1. I am no doctor but it sounds to be like they are ready for cereal.

    If it were me I'd start them on rice cereal. A little in the morning and a little at night.

    Talk to your doctor!

  2. wait till 6months. as for more bottle less offten get her back on track by making her hungry time it so she is hungry and eats the 5oz

  3. You can't make him eat more at a time.  If he is clearly done iwth his bottle after 3-4 ounces, he's done.  And if he's then hungry again sooner, you have to feed him.

    Readiness for solids includes:

    1. Preferably at LEAST 6 months old.  If there are many other clear signs of readiness, you can start a bit earlier.

    2. Able to sit up well with support.

    3. Sufficient head control to turn his head away from the spoon when he's done.

    4. Interest in solid foods.

    5. No longer satisfied with his usual amounts of formula or breastmilk. (If he's younger than 6 months, you can offer more milk -- only if he's still hungry after 40-50 ounces or formula or 10-12 breastfeeds might you consider starting solids early due to excessive hunger.

    6. Loss of the tongue thrust. (When you offer food on a spoon he opens his mouth voluntarily, and then is able to eat and swallow the food.  If you have to 'trick him', or he pushes the spoon out with his tongue, or spits it out, or you have to make the food very liquidy, he isn't ready.)

    There is no rush to start solids.  While many parents are understandably eager to take this next step,  babies don't really need any solids for at LEAST 6 months, and most do fine (nutritionally) on milk alone for an entire year.  Any solids given between 6-12 months are mostly for fun, and to introduce baby to new tastes and textures.

  4. A pediatrician should suggest to you as they did to me that a baby should eat about 1 oz of formula per mont of age.  My doctor said it is better to wait till 6 months to offer cereal.   I think you have to go with your gut but I would hold out on cereal until you have to because her digestive tract has to be ready first.

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