
How do i get my baby to start bottle feeding ?

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I need serious help....i have a 4 month baby and i want to stop breastfeeding and start bottle feeding so it can be easier for me to go places. Any one that has experienced the same thing PLEASE HELP. (i sometimes get stressed knowing i can't go places or do anything, when i give her the bottle she just cries and cries)




  1. You want to stop breastfeeding your child, because you want to go do things without her?

    WHy dont u just pump some milk? It would be much better for your baby who probably really enjoys breastfeeding and would not want to stop if given the choice

  2. Just pump, then you have the best of both worlds - you know your giving your baby the best thing for her and you have freedom to go out

  3. Try using different nipples. There are some that are more breast like then others. Used expressed milk so she is getting what she is used to, formula doesn't taste anything like breastmilk. Also make sure its the right temperature. Don't wait till she is hungry to try and give her a bottle, one site I looked at said to feed her normally then about 2 hours later try and give her a bottle.

  4. I had the same problem as you due to a grumpy hubby who was going mad staying at home but refused to go out without me. What I did was to pump out milk for his feeds in preparation for the time I would not be around. ( Even if your baby is nursing constantly, pumping will increase your milk supply so that you can build up a store. Try pumping 30 mins after a feed.)

    Try letting the baby play with the empty bottle under supervision first, then have someone else other than you introduce the bottle-- not when the baby is starving but maybe an hour or so after the feed. then gradually when baby gets used to the bottle, you can try giving the bottle yourself.

    It may take several different nipples though, before she oicks one she likes best.

    Good luck!

  5. yes i am with the first answer but if u realy need to stop it takes time and pataints u just have to wait it out and keep trying if the baby is hungry it will eat but........ talk to a doctor or u r health profesional first good luck

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