
How do i get my boyfriend to stop calling me?

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend james have been dating for 2 years now. i love him to death and all but oh my gosh ! He wont stop calling or texting me. should i end the relationship??




  1. just ask him to call less. assure him you love him and that he doesnt need to worry. make sure your spending time with him and if he doesnt get the hint you arent liking all the attention maybe he'll chill a but. also try not answering if you really dont want to talk...although dont give him the silent treatment for days on end or it looks like you are avoiding him. You dont want him to think you hate him:) If you feel you arent happy with him only you can decide what is best for you. I don't know you or your bf, but I definitely think you could work this out. If this is the only issue, I really think you could work through this together. Best wishes!!

  2. change ur fone number and 'forget' to tell him


    good luck and thx fr the points!

  3. if he gets on your nerves then just get it over pulling a band-aid off (do it fast)

  4. No, don't end the relationship because of that! That's stupid. Just tell him that he needs to back off for a little bit, and give you room to breathe - if he loves you, he'll understand.

  5. I'm confused... Why are you with someone whose phone calls bother you?  When I was in my relationship of 3 years, I was happy when my phone rang.... Sounds like you might need to reevaluate your relationship.

  6. ending a strong relationship over something like that is kinda extreme. Why dont you try mentioning it to him in a sort of joking manner and then if that doesnt work just come out and tell him nicely. He if likes you that much then he should understand.

  7. Try telling him he calls and text you too much. Explain that  you need some space and see if he understands and backs off. If he doesn't then do what you got to do.  

  8. 2 years is a lot to throw away. Why don't you just see all the phone calls and texts as him showing how much you mean to him. If not that why don't you just talk to him about it.

  9. what do you think for yourself? do you really think that its worth it to dump him just because he won't stop calling/texting you? if it bugs you tell him how you feel about it. if 2 years have gone by, he hasn't stopped calling or texting, if you tell him how you feel i'm sure that things will work out.

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