
How do i get my cat to go to toilet?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 cats they are 1 - 1 girl and 1 boy. I had a litter tray which they shared but after 6 months of using it I would find little bits of poo on the floor around the house and it was coming from the girl. The vet thought it was because they were using the same litter - but since i have let them out and trained them to go outside to toilet she is still doig it - it is as if she doesnt know she is doing as it kind of just falls out of her (thats how it seems) - has anyone else experienced this or know what i can do???




  1. are the cats long haired? if so some bits may get caught in her fur around the backside (not nice but happens to my long haired cat) you may have to check her bottom when she comes in

    if not if she is doing it in same place the vet once told me to feed her where she is doing it as they wont mess there food area bizzare but worked for me  

  2. just drop it off in someone elses garden.

  3. Listen to your vet. Two cats equals 3 litter trays for a happy household. The less dominant cat will pee and p**p elsewhere if it does not have a choice. Also, when you clean up messes, make sure you clean thoroughly so as not to leave any trace of smell around as cats have a much sharper sense of smell and will return to the same place ...

  4. ok the main rule of thumb is one litter tray per cat and one extra. so 2 cats 3 trays. the reason i found with my cats is my little boy was trying to not stand in my other cats wee or poo and he would miss the tray by mistake. so try putting out more trays or even perhaps try getting a litter tray which has a cover over it so there is no way it will fall out. or see if you can get a bigger litter tray all together.

    have you also changed the cat litter? or moved the tray ina different place? cats do not like change like this so have a think back and see if you changed any thing.

    good luck hope this helped.

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