
How do i get my cat to pee in the litter box

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plz i just got them today they are 14 weeks old and there used to peeing outside




  1. Get some peepee and put it in the litter box & let them smell it. When they meow, put them in the litter box right away. Their instincts will tell them to dig and they may be looking for a place to dig and start meowing. Kittens sometimes meow because they aren't finding what they want (like babies). Keep the litter close to the kittens, once they are in the habit, you can move it closer and closer to where you want to keep it permanently, just make sure you show them where it is if you move it. If they have already started peeing on the floor, clean it well or they will go there again.

  2. give reward whenever it pee in the litter box. and whenever it pee outside the litter box you slap it. then the cat just like most animal will stay away from peeing outside the litter box.  

  3. Put the litter box in a quiet area where they won't be disturbed Consider if it were where you had to use it, would you feel comfortable going there? Don't use any strong smelling litter-most cats hate that deodorant smell. Keep it clean. The cats will do the rest.

    If they pee somewhere else either they don't like the location or the litter, they may be ill (cats are prone to kidney trouble) or something else is upsetting them. Try to be patient because once you figure it out, they will be wonderful pets.

  4. Put the cat food in the wee box maybe.

  5. My wife and I volunteer for a cat rescue and we deal with this all the time.  When we have a cat or kitten that won't use the litter pail we just place the cat/kitten in a smaller room, like a bathroom that doesn't have anything in it where they can go.  We leave them there with the litter pail and as long as they don't have carpet or towels on the floor or anything else they can go on they get the hint and after a day or two they are using the litter as they should.  

    Leave them there with food and water and every now and then put them in the litter and scratch like their mom would have and in no time you'll have them reprogrammed.

  6. Tie your cat up to the litter box with rope until he uses it.

  7. are they males?

    if they are males they may be "spraying" to scent mark territory.

    cats naturally seek soft places to go tooilet, so they can cover it easily to avoid detection, try feeding your kittens then placing them in an enclosed area such as a large dog crate, with the tray, they will soon learn to go there.

    gradually you can move them out the crate with the tray.but keep them in one rroom with the tray.

    avoid piles of clothing on the floor etc, unless you want presents.

    my ct runs around like a loon when he needs the loo, so watch out for that.but kittens will need to go soon after eating and drinking

  8. Sorry - do you mean outside as in Outdoors?

    If so what is the problem?  For cats peeing in the garden is natural.  We have two cats who have just started using a tray as at 11 the night is a little too long to last, before this year they did all their peeing in the great outdoors.  Just think of all the money saved in litter, trays and pparaphernalia  

    If you do insist on a tray please make sure clean litter is always available - I check my cats tray at least twice a day, even when the door is open..   Use a good quality clumping litter and change it frequently as well as scooping out and refreshing 2/3 times a day.

    The kittens should be shown how to scratch the litter, as soon as you have helped them with this they will get the idea..   Much easier than trying to teach them to use your WC.

    If you get any accidents around the house and you know who was responsible and that this kitten had access to the tray you must firmly tell the kitten off and if the problem persists rub their nose on the affected area..   Any accidents on soft furnishings must be thoroughly cleaned or the area will be re-visited.  You can get a special cleaner - I think it is called Urine-Gone?  this comes with a special ultra violet light which can help you check for any remaining urine.

    GOOD LUCK and enjoy your *******...      

  9. Jst show them the litter box a few times most cats get the idea really fast.

  10. put the kitty in the litterbox, if she poos on the floor pick it up and place it in the litter box, then put her in the litter box, you may have to confine her to a small space like a bathroom to she gets the idea of the litter box,

    also if you have a pet-co, go there and get some stuff you can add to the litter to attract the kitten to the box, I dont remember what they call it but i did see it the other day, ask them they will direct you to the stuff

  11. Catch them in the act, say "NO" and carry them to the cat box.  

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