
How do i get my cat to stop peeing everywhere?

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I have a girl cat that's neutered shes 11 years old she use to use the litter box now she stoped. i have 1 other cat that we got about a year ago she has never really liked the cat but the younger cat is always outside i also have another rabbit that occasionally comes out of the cage to run around when he does in the living room he usually bothers the cat do you think its due to stress?




  1. Cats can do that when they are upset, or your change the litter you use in the box, or if the box is not clean enough for their liking. Your cat is in what is classified as the elderly stage of life so it is hard to tell what may have made her stop using the litter box. Try to keep it as clean as possible and clean up all of the pee and p**p as soon as you find it.  

  2. go to pet smart and get a white bottle called "no mark!". i had the same problem and this stuff works. It's a detourant to make the cat not want to pee on anything. Just spray it on what he has already peed on, and everything close to the floor, for instance the legs of chairs.

    & the reason he is peeing in the first place is to mark his territory & since you have other animals in the house the cat feels that it has to be more protective of "it's things"... so it will pee on everything.

    so just but the no mark, it works.

  3. maybe she has a UTI?

    this happened to one of my older cats recently.

    we brought a male cat home, and suddenly my female cat got a UTI.

    maybe from the food?

    anyways she was peeing everywhere and it was nasty.

    so we got her checked out

  4. 1. try changing the cat litter or type of box or location of box in your house. cats can be picky with their litter and can choose to dislike the litter that they've always been fine with randomly.

    2. it might be a dominance/territory issue. they have neurological medication for that at the vets. but i've her it's not the best thing to do.

    3. inappropriate urination might mean a bladder issue, such as a bladder infection. take her to your vet so that they can get a urine sample and she if she has a bladder infection. if she does, you will get meds for it

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