
How do i get my crush to notice me hes shy and cute?

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he sits next to me in gym class when we stretch. hes shy so i dont no how to talk to him




  1. I know it's hard just try talking to him about anything just try and if he get interested just keep talking. Just try it can hurt.

  2. same problem with me..:(..but in my case i m shy..well u shud try to talk to him if u r not shy  

  3. come up with something to talk about, act casual like.. "wow, that was a hard task".. or "man, im tired, are you?" lol be sure to laugh at his reaction =] lol

  4. if you try bringing up a conversation a few times a week and start saying hey to him almost everyday he'll start to talk to you soon. I'm sorry to say, but I was searching for the answer right now with my crush. This is what i had advice from other people and i recommend it. I hope I gather enough courage to talk to my guy, too. Good luck!

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