
How do i get my daughter out of iss?

by Guest63327  |  earlier

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there are three boys that always tease my daughter (12 yrs old) they slapped her face and kicked her so she wrote a note that said "im going to kill you soon" the school gave her iss and the boys lost their recesses how is that right?!!!!!!? what can i do????????




  1. tell her to make out with them

    use her feminism

    if u know wat i mean

  2. Well, not much.  You need to tell her she cannot write notes threatening other student's lives in this day and age.  She just cannot threaten people in writing and not expect to get punished.  Yeah, they started it but she escalated it. Big Time. People remember Columbine all too well.  I'd freak too if someone threatened to kill someone at my school.  Things like this are taken very seriously because they ARE serious and most of us know bad things happen at schools.  Even if you know your daughter did not mean it, the teachers, and parents of the other children do not know she was not serious. Or maybe she was.  At that moment.  Either way, she needs to chill down and YOU need to understand she cannot be allowed to write things like that at school.

  3. it wont hurt her to do the in school suspension, she did threaten the kids lives after all....idle threat or not, it will teach her for next time, as far as the boys they should have been punished too, id worry more about them then getting her out of iss.

    maybe the principal doesnt know what the boys to him about that.

  4. Contact the Principal, School Board, Paramount, you know the big guys. They gotta do something about this.

  5. Punishments aren't always fair, but there is a lesson to be learned here.  She had choices in how to handle this problem, and she chose the wrong one.  In the future, perhaps she'll choose something that is more acceptable.

  6. You are describing assault.

    If an adult did these things to you, the police would be called.

    Do the same for your daughter.

    Be well.

  7. go to the school and say there are some boys who slap my daughter after school or when ever show the marks to the boys teacher on the daughters face.if the teacher says i need prof and you cant get any argue with the teacher till she gives

  8. Its not right that she got the worst punishment but she should have choosen something else to say or do. shes lucky she didnt get more than that.

  9. You should be happy they didn't give her oss because usually they would give a student 10 days of oss for that. So you should just let her do her days of ISS and leave it alone.

    Plus school is almost out. I know your daughter got some guy cousin. The boys cant hide in school so have them to find them and kick their @ $$.

  10. You can not get your child out of (ISS) In School Supension but you can talk to her principal.

  11. Well she should never have written a note like that, let her be punished and she'll think next time before writing a note-remind her that the best thing to do would be to go see a teacher or the principal.

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