
How do i get my daughter to eat on her own?

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My 8 month old daughter is already eating solid foods and she's just refusing to pick up her food with her own fingers. I always have to hand feed her myself. Is there any way that I can start teaching her how to eat on her own?




  1. just keep feeding her

    my baby brother ate on he's own when he was bout  9months to 1 year


  2. 8 months and eating solid food...hmm...I would wait a little bit, she'll acquire the ability to want to do it on her own.

  3. she will when she is ready. you could try putting it on the tray in front of her.

  4. She is only eight months old ... give her time and she will do it herself. Just encourage her to do it but don't make her stress out too much.

  5. She's still a little young to finger feed.  I know our parents gave us spoons when we were babies, but using a utensil is very frustrating for a little one with very little motor control.  My son couldn't really use a spoon until he was about 18 months old (but the fork was MUCH easier for him), and was self-feeding with his fingers when he was about 10 months old.  Just toss a few Cheerios on her tray while you do the dishes, or get some of the Gerber freeze-dried fruit and put them on her tray while you get her cereal ready in the morning.  Make it a game, and be patient; she is only 8 months old.

  6. Just put some on the tray/plate in front of her and let her play while you feed her.  Better yet, let her play with it for a little while before you feed her.  She'll learn.  Don't push her at all, or it could turn into a struggle of wills.  When she's ready, she'll start feeding herself.

  7. She is doing very well as it is. I know you can be anxious for babies to feed themselves at times, but it is for such a short time that they totally need you. Make the most of it. I would give her some food, then put some in her hand and say now it's your turn. Maybe she will like the game, if not, just be patient.

    Remember that once she starts to feed herself, she will also learn how to throw food...or drop it over the side of her chair!

  8. i have a little sister and the same happened...they always want to eat with their fingers...its just sister started getting the spoon and actually eating by herself when she was like a year and 2 months or something...but maybe try gettin spoons with cartoons on it or flavored spoons...i think it will work

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