
How do i get my daughter to stop seeing her boyfriend

by  |  earlier

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they both are 15 and he is not a very good influence on her.




  1. y dont u like him?

    just explain to her that he isnt good enough for her

  2. It would be easier to pull your hair out one by one. I will tell you this. The more you try to get them apart or let your daughter know you don't like him the more they will want to be together. So I say do the opposite! Pretend you like him!

  3. I was not allowed to date until I was 16 years old, and the guys had to meet and talk to my parents before I was allowed to leave with them.  Granted there were a couple I couldn't believe they let me leave with, but all went well, I learned some valuable lessons, and I knew who was the boss in my home.  You have to set rules.  If you are letting her date at that age, that is your business, but if she is not mature enough to be doing it, then you should change the age and not let her go out.  She is very impressionable at that age.  We all used to be 15.  Remember yourself at that age and be horrified.  

  4. if you and your daughter have a good relationship you should sit down and talk to her, but remember you was a teenager  too! so try to talk to her with postive words because if you don't she would continue seeing him because you don't approve. i have a soon-to-be 13yr old and she is already likes boys and have her crushes.  hope everthing goes well!

  5. why is it that hes not good enough?/ well a bad influence

  6. I dont really know a way for you to get your daughter to stop seeing her boyfriend...but I will say this....if you forbid her from seeing him, she'll do it behind your back. If she thinks "he's the one" (as of right now) she'll do whatever it takes to be with him, even if it means disobeying you. Trust me I know! I did it when I was a teenager. Of course parents are gonna see the flaws in the guys their daughters are dating, but the daughters will be clueless to it cause they think he's the one. So I would just be careful as to how you keep her from seeing him.

    Good Luck! :D

  7. Poke her eyes out, then she can't see him any more.

  8. Aren't you the parent?   You make the rules... If she doesn't follow them, then she gets concequences.    Sometimes it even means she has to earn all "her stuff" back.   I would even go so far as to take everything out of their bed room except some basic clothes and a matress and make them earn it back if they refuse to follow the rules.  

    Last resort is you have to constently be with her if she still sneaks, and she loses all privilages (TV, going anywhere, doing anything) until she starts listening.

    Remember, you are the parent.  Your job is to protect her, not to be her friend.

  9. http:\\

  10. Sometimes if a parent makes it obvious that they do not like their daughter's boyfriend, the daughter will date him just to spite her parents.  Make sure that you do not make it obvious that you do not like this boy or he might be around for a long time!

    Maybe try to introduce her to the sons of your work friends or other boys.    Remind her to keep her options open and not to tie herself down to one boy.

  11. It's gonna be hard. The more you try to separate them the closer they'll become. Move to another country or something...

  12. You need to have control over her. Tell her she needs to stop seeing him, that you feel he isn't right for her and that he is a bad influence for her. If she doesn't agree explain she is living under your roof still and until she turns 18 she has to abide by your rules. Thats what my parents did and I turned out alright. At least I think so!!!  

  13. Ask her why she likes him so much, then depending on her answer, see if he's really not a good influence or is actually a nice guy before you try to break them up.

    If you're certain however taht he's really a bad influence for her then you can plain out tell her you dont want her to see him anymore. You're the parent, it's your decision. Only thing with this solution is that she may be mad and keep a grudge against you for a little while.

  14. If you forbid them to see each other, there is a very good chance you will end up having no idea where either of them are. Keep you daughter close, and her friends closer.

  15. you could do what my parents did. They knew they didn't like the kid but they waited it out for us to break up ourselves. If you purposely tell your daughter that you don't like him she'll think you're just being a parent and it'll give the opposite effect. She'll run to him for comfort, making the situation worse (what I'd probably end up doing)  

  16. If you believe in prayer, pray, pray and pray some more.  I have a step-daughter so I understand what you are going through.  I will pray for her as well.

  17. Please don't meddle in your child's loves. You can stop them from seeing each other and if you try you only come out looking bad in your daughter's eyes.

  18. at her age if you try to force her to stay away from him then youre gonna push your daughter away from you...they will sneak around and see one another anyway..

    maybe sit your daughter down and tell her why you dont want her seeing him..dont know what good that will do but at least talk to her..

    good luck

  19. Take out your belt, and give her a whipin'!

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