
How do i get my dvd to play?

by  |  earlier

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i burned some videos from my video cam and when i played it on my uncle's dvd player, it worked fine but when i play it on my computer, it shows nothin and my computer even reads it as a blank cd...




  1. You said that your computer read it as blank cd, what did it say?  Did you go to "my computer/D: drive and try to see if the cd has any contain?

    Do some things like

    1. check what type of file your camcord creat?  I mean mpeg, wmv, avi...

    2. check if you select these types of file in your window media player

    3. your camcord may creat a file that needs XviD and DivX codec.  You can download Xdiv from

    and DivX from

    Try to install these two codec to see if it work

  2. then your computer can't read the cd's format. try finding a comp that does and make a new cd

  3. the video cam may have a memory stick in it  that played back your image that would be why you have a blank disk the compter should be able to play the memory stick for you

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