
How do i get my ex to sign over parental responsibilitys?

by  |  earlier

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me and my ex split up when my son was 3 months old he has seen him around 4 times and has been absent for the last 15 months completley , he has never paid anny money. i am with a new partner however i am not trying to push him to be my sons father figure i just dont want it to be ok for my ex to be able to walk back into his life at any point.




  1. You need to explain more, all these types of situations need to be done through the courts and cannot be done by just the 2 of you alone

  2. I'm giong through the same thing. I want my ex to sign over his parental rights so my husband can adopt my daughter. He hasnt seen her in over 2 years. I keep going back to court. Some judges just wont let it happen because they believe that parent hsould be responsible for the child. The judge keeps telling me i have to wait a little longer and make sure he isnt comign aruond...It is a really hard situation

  3. Not quite sure what you are asking. Are we talking custody or just Parental Responsibility. Are you asking the child's father to sign away his parental rights? If you - you can't!

  4. not quiet sure

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