
How do i get my father over the fact im dating a black man?

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ok i am 20 years old and i am dating a black man...he has his own house, his own at the same hospital as i, and helps take care of his my father has a problem with me dating him because hes black, i dont see any difference. i like this man but i love my father still, and my dad makes remarks about him that only get me charged with saying something mean back to him, it hurts for him to say mean racist things like "everyone should own one" i just lost it an let him have a new one, it hurts because i see nothing wrong with liking a different do i get through my dads thick head?




  1. u dont u ditch ur dad because hes a racist pig.

    plus u work at a hospital?

    how COOL is that

    do u wear scrubs?

    hahahah oh my god that is so awsome

    ive always wanted to wear them ever since i fell in love with Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs...

    they make being a doctor look so fun

  2. Invite your boy friend to meet your dad or tell your dad or ask him what makes a difference in race a good reason because skin tone alone is bullshit if so forget him and live your life

  3. You may not be able to convince your father that this man is worthy.  In time your father may see that there is nothing wrong with being black, but I doubt it.  Your father learned bigotry early in life and it seems to be a lesson that stuck.  I suggest that you stop arguing with your father as this is not productive.  It is time that you and your father both came to an agreement that you are no longer a little girl but a grown-up who is capable of making her own decisions.

  4. Well i could see where your dad is coming from..But you dating a "black" male theres nothing wrong your dad should should have some more respect. I hate racism!  its not whether your colored were all human wish you the best! sooner or later your dad will have to accept the fact that your dating a black male! well adios=]

  5. Eventually he will get over it & accept the fact that you are dating a black guy, I do not have a problem with it but alot of older people do like my father & my wifes father but ohwell it's not their life.

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