
How do i get my gelding to stop tucking in his back legs ?

by  |  earlier

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When ever i go to pick my horses back legs he tucks his leg in, he does it with flyspray and the hose . He doesnt kick though , just tucks it in ?

Any ideas on why he does that ?




  1. He doesn't like it. My horse does the same thing. You just have to deal with it. Its not anything serious

  2. If it is with fly spray or the hose, just let it go since he isn't kicking out.  We have several that do this.  As far as when you go to pick his feet, just take the hoof in hand, pull it back & calmly say "give it" or whatever you say when you pick up his feet.  It's just something they do & since they do not kick or even act like they plan to, we just ignore it.

    Even the shoer just gently pulls the foot to him tell them "give it".

  3. He may be uncomfortable with it. When you go to pick his back hoof and he tucks his leg under go ahead and hold onto i slike you would when you pick his hoof. Talk to him and tell him its alright. Wait until he rrelxes and lowers his leg. Praise him tons when he does this. If he doesn't seem to relx at all. Gently pull his leg out and down

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