
How do i get my gelding used to a lunge line?

by  |  earlier

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i put my five year old gelding on a lunge line a few weeks ago and he did not like it AT ALL! he reared up, bucked, and pulled at the line. At first i thought he was just being stubborn, but he does great without the lunge line in the roundpen. i want to get him used to new things, but should i just keep him in the roundpen and stick with how he was trained?




  1. just keep trying it if he doesnt like it then o well just try a lunge wip

  2. Try leading him around on the lunge line while in the round pen, then slowly letting the lunge line out. Since he is used to going in a round pen, maybe he will tolerate the lunge line in there. Once he lunges in the round pen on the line, then try taking him out of the pen. And always remember, baby steps make it better in the long run :)

  3. yeah my horse did this,,,  annoying isnt it... well... what i did was get two people. someone holding the lunge line and the other holding the horse and go round with the horse and see if tha works... if not then i would let the horse buck rear do whatever it wants because its just him getting used to things... like the sudden pressure of the lunge line  pulling against him. because remeber the horses natual instint is to run away from pressure so he needs to learn his self that its not going to hurt him.

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