
How do i get my grades better for the new grade?

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when in waz in sixth grade i totally flunked and had to go to freagin summer school. i know im smater because first of all when i went to summer school i got an A- and a B-, (as to the year before i got an F and a D- in the same subject, and also because i knew it, i just didnt do the homework. And when i go to seventh grade in 3 DAYS i go into avid and i really want to be a good student and i will try, but i know myself waaaaay better to say that i will. i wont be foucosing on school, more like friends, boys, stuff going on at home, boys, and boys. BUT I REALLY REALLY WANT TO GET GOOD GRADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME PLEASE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!?




  1. Say good bye boys, hello A's.

  2. So basically you're saying you want to get good grades without having to do any work? You can't really do that... Your only real options would be to find someone to tutor you/help you with your homework, or mess around with a teacher to get a good grade lol.

  3. My advice would be just study, and do your homework. If your confused in a subject ask a teacher! I'll be in the 7th grade too! (:  

  4. I used to fail every single math test i got the whole year of 6th grade, I still managed a C but i wanted better grades. I found that if you can write all your assignments down in a planner and start organizing your school life everything gets easyer. As for homework, just do everything when you get home. If you have a long bus ride or ride home get it all prepared for home, maybe start it too. When all your homework is done you will feel so much better. It's also very important you study the first night you are made aware of a test. You dont have to study every night, just every few nights. (depending on the date of the test) To sum it up

    1) Do your homework, nothing else will bump your grade but that

    2) Study, study, study. The better you feel about a test the better you will do

    3) Get organized, have a homework folder for finished and unfinished homework, and a planner

    Good luck with 7th grade

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