
How do i get my horse to come to a complete stop just by using my seat, not the reins?

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How do i get my horse to come to a complete stop just by using my seat, not the reins?




  1. Stopping through your seat is relatively simple and requires a series of movements on your part.  Suck in your abdominal muscles, and then use your thighs to pull up and back, sometimes horses will bobble for a moment then continue on, but after you practice it a few times they will halt.  First time students always laugh when I tell them this, but it ALWAYS works, trust me, once upon a time I was laughing at the dressage instructor that told me to try this.  

  2. First you must have never had him lean against the bit ever,

    Youz starts from the first steps


  3. i had the same prob with my horse,

    i started lunging her before riding her everyday and she started listening to my voice, now when im riding her i squeeze my bum together and tell her to stand... and she does :)

    i say use your voice alot, they do listen :)

  4. my teacher has taught me to sink deeper in my saddle, lean back,  and stop all movement whatsoever.  your body naturally will rock with the horse's movement, and if you stop the motion of your seat and legs,  then you are resisting the horse's motion, also.  

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