
How do i get my horse to mind better?

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I got my horse a couple months ago and when i got her she was fine but lately she takes off when i try to get on her and when i finally do get on her she keeps running. I don't know how i can calm her down and get her to mind me better. Even when i am cleaning her hooves she throws her front legs in the air, i don't know what i am supposed to do.




  1. Ok- i don't mean to sound unfair or unkind- but its obvious that your a novice and she came from experienced handlers before you bought her. First things first- When you try to get up on her, turn her in a circle around you by holding your inside rein as you mount. This prevents her from walking off. Next, when your on her, keep turning her in the same circle for a moment until you get your seat. (Alot of the time when you get someone to hold your horse they behave worse so be careful there). Collect your reins, shoulders back and a firm 'walk on'. If she trys to run off turn her in a sharp circle. If she does run off, and runs off in a fast canter/ gallop, then lean deep into the circle when you turn her to keep balance.

    The main thing you should do is go back to basics though. Put her on the lunge and make sure all commands are well learned such as; 'walk on', 'trot on', 'canter on' and especially 'WHOA'. Work on your flat work and perfect it before moving on to trekking or jumping etc. If you have any questions feel free to contact me =]

    Your ground work is the foundation for anything you do while mounted btw. Be firm while leading her, catching her and tacking her. When she does well i think a carrot, treat and a good fuss is in order =]

  2. Consider this- They horse may have been on a medicated routine that is now not happening. Hard to handle horses are often put on a mood medicine or bute to sedate them. Now that the routine is gone her true personality is showing, her harmones are back to normal, and her mind set is fully functional. Where did you get her? How eager where they to sell her? How long did they have her? and was this horse purchased without a vet check?

    For next time a handy trick is to show up suddenly without notice to see the horse without medication or when it is being feed to observe its feed. Any dishonest people will medicate a horse and pass it along as safe and sound when it is not.

  3. Try posting this in the horse section. You will get more answers.

    I'd like to help but Im not the best to answer cause I haven't delt with these issues.

    My friend did hire a farrier specifically to fix her horses feet issues. She would refuse to pick them up then pick them up and swing them around. The farrier was use to problem horses and didnt mind working with he for a small fee. Dont get your farrier out there to do feet and expect him to help fix her issues though. Its not fair to him.  

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