
How do i get my horse to stop more with her hind end?

by  |  earlier

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She doesn't stop badly or anything i just want her to stop cleaner and faster. She stops more with her front end and sometimes trys to sneaks in a few steps.

I've tried backing her up so that she thinks when she stops shes going to have to back up so she stops with her hind end under her but that didn't seem to help.

Any ideas or tips are welcome.




  1. it works with my horse but i sit up and barely pull on the reins and keep my ballance and hold him there then ask him, unless i want to walk then i do the same thing but to a walk

  2. I am a professional trainer and am SO glad you asked this question. Here is how I teach all of the horses that come through my barn how to stop on there hind ends.  First start by trotting a circle close to the fence, when you get at a 45degree angle to the fence stop her, and make her do a roll back in the opposite direction, really hustle her out of the roll back and make her come out trotting. The do another circle and do the same thing.   All the horses I have used it on the results show up after the first or second time practicing this.

    Hope this works for you!

  3. simple keep your leg on on the down transistion but for this to work of course your horse must be on the bit because this allows the hind quarters to come under the horse and support more weight so wen ur horse is on the bit and in a frame keep your leg on with som light squeezes of rein and it should be smooth and cleaner...good question! =]]

  4. I was going to tell you what AQHAtrainer said because that's what I do too.  So I second that advice!

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