
How do i get my horses bit in her mouth?

by  |  earlier

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she backs up and slams her head11 WAT DO I DO?




  1. Well, she obviously associates the bridle with something bad, so the trick is to get her to think of it as something good. I've had luck with putting some molasses on the bit, so it tastes good.

    First you need to not force the issue harshly. Getting upset or forcing the bit on her mouth just reinforces that it's something unpleasant. You need to be calm and take your time. When she pulls back, wait for her to put her head down and try again. Repeat until she gets tired of her game and when you finally do get it into her mouth, she'll taste the molasses and viola! Suddenly it's a treat. If you keep this up, she'll stop her little act and accept it willingly. When this happens, use a little less molasses until you're not using any. Of course, always praise your horse when they do a job well done and offer small treats like carrots after a good ride so they associate your rides with good things.

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