
How do i get my husband to get a job, support his family and act like an adult instead of acting like a kid

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How do i get my husband to get a job, support his family and act like an adult instead of acting like a kid




  1. I am not sure if we can make anybody do what they do not want to do.

    Tell him outright he has to change for the better.

    God gave him a family it is his duty to take care of them.

    Could it be that he is depressed or ill ?

    This is complicated - I would go see a counsellor at a free clinic and get professional advice before you make decisions that will effect the whole family.

    Good  Luck  

  2. Imagine me, My dad works to buy booze for my mom the Pillhead

  3. You need to give him an ultimatum go to work or go away. you will need to be firm and take no excuses, no s*x until payday and then only if he smiles.  

  4. stop supporting him and enabling him to act like this. Let him know that if he doesn't shape up he will have to ship out! Honey, sometimes actions speak louder than words! Let him know that what he refuses to do for you another man will be more than willing to do.  If he loves you he should adhere to this warning and start to get his act together!

  5. After 11 years of me working and him sitting home I did the only thing I could do to motivate him..... I walked out and left him with the kids!! I do still help him financially, but at least I don't have to put up with him too.

  6. Have you tried a swift kick to the balls?

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