
How do i get my husband to get off the computer?

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god i miss him soo much! im 24 hes 37. is it cuz hes older than i am so hes more laid back. i dont know but he seems to want to want to be on the computer more. i know what hes does on there hes alwayz on a gun fourm he loves gunz so he talks to other people about guns all day. but its like what about me. doesnt he want to kick it with me. we have s*x and then were done he pretty much goes back on the computer all day. we've got into fights over it. i said cant u just limit yourself and he just told me why do u have to take stuff away from me that i like. is it just me? am i being selfish. i dont want to take stuff away from him that he likes. i pretty much have nothing to do. i just watch tv hang out with my kids and thats it. i just miss doing the stuff we use to do like watch tv together.




  1. hes addicted to the internet, don't give him s*x, and give him a taste of his own medicine, h**l never learn. if you just fight about it. guys brush things off easy

  2. secretly i'd send the computer a im such a ******. and when he fixes it then send it again! hahahaha

  3. stop being so nice that's why he is disrespecting you because you are to nice.  Leave the house and go visit go do something or get on the phone just forget the fool and maybe when he comes for s*x you won't be there.  Stop being dumb about this you are having s*x then he goes back to the computer get a ******* brain don't be some passive little girl other wise stop complaining if you won't do anything about it.

  4. my bf is like that with a game called gunbound. always on the forum and stuff like that. it's so annoying but try doing things outside the house without him, you might feel better or ask him to watch a movie with you, how can he say no? i've been addicted to a game before and it's VERY hard to break, im sure he doesn't mean to not spend as much time with you. instead of telling him to stop playing , ask him to do something with you and make it interesting. game addictions never last, its just a phase although mine lasted 2 years. GOODLUCK!

  5. He is definately addicted to the internet and like an addiction, it is very hard to recover, sometimes worse than drugs or alcohol. You must support him and help overcome this addiction.  I have attached a web link and try to talk him into taking this addiction test. It may help him deal with things better and you'' get your hubby back.

  6. Sorry but because of my experience with addiction to the computer I would be very suspicious of how much talking on the "gun club forum" is really going on. It is very easy to hide other screens or shut down sites when a spouse comes around. The number one reason for computer addiction is p**n or affairs but can also be gambling or a number of other things. I would put spy-ware on my computer so I could make sure that's all he's doing. You can pull up the history of the computer and see everywhere hes been including what hes saying on IM or emails. If he's innocent then he will be none the wiser and you can back off and give him some space. But either way, you need a relationship with a live human and so should he. He needs to realize that his addiction to the computer is not healthy for your relationship and that you will be looking elsewhere for that connection if he doesn't start thinking about the needs of his wife and children.  

  7. Don't kid yourself, you KNOW what to do to get him to get off the computer!!  It really IS that easy!

  8. he doesnt to be over 30 to be so laid back and into computers

    even my husband ( a 25 years old man) spends the whole time in the house with the laptop on his lap and yeah i think the same way, the "what about me?" question

    if i try to seduce him with s*x he pays attention but tries to delay becuz he's doing "something important" on the internet and asks me to make him something to eat or drink so buy more time

    and if i talk to him about it he says things like i'm not giving him space or freedom

    sounds familliar to u right ?

    i still dont know what to do about it but my next plan is to be less available and make him miss me so much that once i walk in the living room he would want to talk to me instead of his PC

    i'll let you know what happens

  9. It does not matter what you want from him, the reality is that you cant control him, you just cannot control him. So, with that said, you can control you, so how about finding a hobby that makes you happy? Start visiting friends, start making yourself happy and trust me... just trust me... give it a month and he will be looking for you. You are always avialable to him, give him something to miss.... and dont sell yourself short, you are worth missing.

  10. So you go out together & you have s*x too?  Why do you need him up your butt all day?  The fact that you have nothing to do is nobody's problem but yours.  Give the guy a break.  He's close to 40 & has a hobby.  Big woop.

  11. Explain to him that he is missing so much of your life and the children's lives.  Tell him that when he looks back he will wish that he had done more things with the children and you as a family.

    Tell him that if he had rather be married to the computer, you can arrange for him to be single, since he is not doing you much good lately.

  12. Talk with him and let him know it is affecting you and your relationship with him in a negative way. Decide together what is a reasonable amount of time per week for him to be in the computer and put it in writing. Create a way to keep track of how much time he is on the computer (like a big clock above the monitor) and when his time for the week is up he agrees not to get on it anymore until the new week starts. If he's smart, he'll budget him time so he's only on the computer about 1/7th of his time each day.

    So let's say you two agree that 7 hours a week of non-work, non-school, non-bill paying time is an ok amount of time for him to "surf the web" then he should only spend an hour or so each day surfing. If he resists, remind him that he is the older person in the relationship and he should behave like an adult and not be childish about it.

    Maybe 7 hours isn't the right number guys, that's something you'll need to come to together. Also, when the computer's not actually being used, shut it down and turn it off!

  13. I, too, had that problem. My now "ex" spent endless hours on the game world of warcraft. I would try to talk to him, and it seemed like it would go in one ear and out the other. When I wanted to have s*x with him, he would say..why didnt you ask me earlier(hmm wasnt in the mood earlier), or, he just started the game or was in the middle of a game. We have 2 kids together and he got my youngest into playing that as well. The kids and I would spend all of our time together and do things together, while the ex played his assanine game. I saw the back of his head more than I did his face. When I was ready for bed, I went and he stayed up ALL night playing on the computer. Then, when I would get up, he would go to bed. When he did get up, back on the computer he got. So, needless to say, this ended in divorce. Good luck to you!!

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