
How do i get my jawline more defined?

by  |  earlier

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and please, don't recommend the facial hair thing. i don't really like that.

i don't really think i have a weak jawline--i just kind of have chubby cheeks, although i am a lean person. in some pictures, my jawline looks defined and in others it doesn't--maybe it's the angle or lighting or something.

what can i do to really make it stand out more? does working out help? i don't really excersize much




  1. put your daily amount of blush on the jaw line you have to define it and make it more noticable


  2. You can do it by either loosing weight through exercise (mostly cardio) or through eating less food

  3. use a bronzer or creme blush for your cheeks start at the apples and go a little over to your cheeks bones. For the jawline a foundation a little darker to your skin may help. Hope this helped and hun don't stress I'm sure you are beautiful.  

  4. It might seem funny, but i was watching tv yesterday and there was a show on about a guy that could sculpt gum in his mouth into anything he wanted, anyway he related to how chewing gum for a long time changed his facial features such as his jaw, making it more defined.

    Somewhat unorthodox, but i would suggest chewing gum for an inconspicuous jaw workout. Preferably suger-free to protect your teeth.

  5. I have my friend hit me in the jaw with a board 3x per week.

  6. The way you do your makeup helps!

  7. For a male, there's not much you can do!

    But start working out a lot.

  8. Does your very existence depend on your looks? If not, get over yourself and get involved in life. Volunteer for people or a cause that has a lot more to worry about than a jawline. Don't fall for false societal self absorption. You have an opportunity to make the world a better place. Do it!  

  9. if your not overweight you really cant target your face for fat removal unless you get it liposuctioned out.

  10. as a male, you may no tlike this answer but i am a makeup artist and here's what i would do for a client with this concern. lightly dust a bronzer above the jawline and on the cheeks. blend well so it doesn't look like you're wearing makeup. do not apply to the jawline. find the jawbone and follow it. then blend into the cheek. if not, try a tinted moisturizer for women in the same areas i just talked about. all this does is create an illusion of a defined jawline. i hope this helps.

    avoid products containing shimmer. too feminine

  11. chew on alot of gum, like all day and in big amounts, you are actually exercising your jaw alot!!!!  your jaw will reach muscle failure, directly burning that jawline fat!!!! im serious too

  12. how old are you? chubby cheeks sounds like a baby fat kind of thing. if you loose overall weight you should see weight loss in your face which should make your "sometimes defined jawline" much more defined.

  13. Other than losing weight...I dont really know how to define a jaw line.  You could try sucking in your cheeks a little for pics but you run  the risk of looking like a fish. lol.  Some people just have chubbier cheeks than others so you may have to live with it.  

    Good luck tho!

  14. Try a lighter makeup above your jawline and a darker underneath, just make sure it's a gradual change and looks natural!

  15. that's disgusting

  16. use sharpie

  17. it's in your genetics.  you either have it or you don't.

    i hate my jawline and it's extremely defined.  it's like angelina jolies.  it's like a man jaw.  hahah.


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