ok, im working for a school based job that only runs in the summer. we rent kayakks out to people and we use this one store's dock to let the kayakks out. i went into town to get pizza and bread rolls and on the way back i rode a town bike. i took a path back and to my surprizt there was a tractor on the side of the path and it was doing something with a pile of dirt on the side of the path. as i rode i hit a bump and while i held onto the pizza the bread rolls fell to the dirt ground. stopped and picked up the container but left the small bread rolls on the path. i left the bike on the trail and walked the pizza the rest of the way back to work. later that day i got a call that i was suspended from work. i called my boss he told me that the lady says i rode a bike through construction, crashed, and left my junk and the bike there. she said it was unprofessional and didnt want me on site.
so now i have to set up a meeting with her and convince her to let me back. what should i say?