
How do i get my kitten do like my dogs

by  |  earlier

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every time my new kitten see's my dogs she always spazez out but i really want to keep my dogs out of their cage but the kitten always freaks out and if i put a baby gate up she always jumps over it..please help!




  1. Just socialize them, teach your kitten that dogs are not bad and she will eventauly get along with them. Or she will be like my 3 cats and avoid them all together or just hiss, bat at it a few times and run. Either way it should ork out fine eventually.

  2. Just leave the dogs out and let the kitty get on with it.  She will run away at first but once she relises the dogs won't hurt her she will come round.  Then she will probably jump on the dogs and want to play with them!!

  3. It will take time. Give them both attention and they will eventually get along. It took my kittens time getting use to our dogs all over them. Now, the kittens just be cute and cuddly to the dogs. It took about 1 week for mine.

  4. Kitty will get used to the dogs and btw a baby gate never kept a cat locked up!

  5. wow thats a though one I don't know how to get ur cat to like ur dogs\dog but try to make ur dog/dogs bond and like ur cat. Well i think depends mabye cause there all boys its esier mabye if some of them are girls and one is a boy thats all i know good luck.

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