
How do i get my kitten to stop biting me?

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I've tried spraying him with water but what else would work?




  1. Feed it.

  2. My kitties also like biting (thank goodness not us). Don't move your hand away fast if he/she bites your hand. Your kitten will probably take this as a game.

    Cats also don't like being petted sometimes and will bite you to say 'stop please'! If you see your kitten's tail swishing while you are petting him/her that is probably an indication to stop.

    My kitties love chewing and ripping apart boxes (and playing in them). It keeps them busy for hours and out of trouble. Get your kitty some toys too!

  3. give him a toy to play with. play with the toy with him

  4. Give it a chicken wing-it might be teething

  5. not to hard of course, but pop him on the nose! tell him no.. always worked for me!

  6. I make a high-pitch "MEOW!" or "OW!" noise whenever my kittens put their teeth on my skin, whether it hurts or not. If your kitten sees you as his friend/parent then he doesn't want to hurt you. Meowing or making a cry of pain that he can understand usually gets the message across that it hurts. If they persist in biting, I usually give them some alone time in their room or crate for about 10 minutes, then take them out to play again. Kittens don't like being alone, so if they have to have the "alone time" it tells them what a sibling or cat-mom would have told him if he was biting too hard: "Play nice or don't play at all!"

    Toys will re-direct his habits, but the "ow" training teaches them that humans are very delicate, it helps them to be softer when playing with your hand. Make sure that when you play with him with your hand you're not making your hand an "aggressive playmate".

    Also take into consideration that a kitten who is hungry is more prone to bite hard.

  7. never give animals chiken bones!!!!! they can choke on the little ones. And he is teething just get a stick from outside or a nice toy..

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