
How do i get my leg higher in my extensions front back and side?

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so hard




  1. Well You need to have flexibility Through out your legs so you need to stretch morning, night and any other time you have the time. I would suggest for extensions that center stretch would be the best but it wouldn'tt hurt to do all the stretches. A Really good stretch for extensions is to stand in a door way and put one of your legs up against the wall on the inside of the door way and lean into it you can do this all different ways front, back, and side.

    Also you need muscle to hold your leg up there and keep you balance. So Also do some strength training every other day would be best. A good exercise is to do your extensions with leg weights on. And when you take them off your leg with be higher!

    And last but not least practice practice practice. Whenever you dont have anything to do just stand there with your leg up in the air.

    Best Of Luck to you. =)

  2. stretch all the time.

    good luck!


  3. stretch stretch stretch and practice practice practice.. carefully and safely tho!

    i dance arounf my house all the time doing jumps down the halls or accross the living room.. just work on it.

  4. well lots of stretching is obvious,

    try working on your splits alot like

    pushing your self and holding them

    really long help. an exercise i like to

    do that hurts alot, but i see a difference

    is, find a chair and sit on the floor in

    front of it, facing it, place your front leg

    on the very edge of the seat and keep

    your back leg on the floor, and push until

    you feel a stretch, make sure not to push

    yourself too far, until your body is ready,

    maybe start by holding it for like 15 seconds,

    rest then hold it for 20, then 30, slowly but

    gradually get bigger, but make sure your

    resting. its should help alot, it helped me =)

  5. Practice....Practice......Practice

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