
How do i get my leopard gecko to like me more?

by  |  earlier

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Today i was looking through my leo's cage to try and find mealworms she hadnt eaten, there are usually a few of them that have grown quite a bit.. And my gecko for some reason seems to think im a predator or something and then nips at the tweezers i was using. At first this kinda freaked me out as she caught me off guard, so when she kept doing it i would just gently nudge her out of my way and kept looking for the worms. And at first i thought it wasnt the tweezers she was nipping at but the mealworms i was finding and i was glad she was so excited about me finding her mealworms. But she just got a little more aggressive every time i would find one. After i had pushed her away about the 3rd or 4th time she backed off.

So any ideas as to why she was so angry?




  1. she probably was mad because the tweezers were trying to steal HER food and she didnt want it to eat them.(jelousy)

  2. she prolly wasnt angry she just thinks " oh wow those are the things she feeds me with there must be a worm cuz its moving so fast" so she just nipped at it . its fine for her ! just make sure she doesnt get cuts on her mouth

  3. Reptiles never like you, they're incapable of liking anything, their brains are not that complex.

    Your leopard gecko will trust you (notice the keyword trust) if you keep the handling to a minimum and don't force things upon her. Handle her about 15 minutes a day until she gets used to you.

  4. she probably think that your fingers are the meal worms ..i perfer you feed her crickets

  5. one thing,is it a baby or a adult?

    and why do you need tweezers mealworms cant hurt you,the worst they can do is crawl on you.also handle your gecko every day it will get used to you

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