
How do i get my mom to alow me to get a dog.?

by  |  earlier

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i have one but i want 2 but i dont mene that like in a snoby way?




  1. welll here are a few that i did,

    1. make a i love dog book and give it to her her ur responsible by takin care of the first dog chores round the house

    4.voulenteer at the SPCA

    5.tell her ull pay for it buy urself

    6.neverr give up

  2. just keep one. dog are to much responsability. but if thats what you really want then take good care of the one that you have right now and be responsable aroud the house.

  3. Try to show her your responsible,Volunteer at a  pet shelter for a few weeks and see if she will change her mind,Also try your best in everything,If she sees grades improving she might want to get you a dog.

    Hope that helps!

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