
How do i get my mom to let me join 4-h?

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i'm a straight a student and my mom won't let me join 4-h even though it doesn't make any since




  1. To persuade your mother to let you join 4-H, you must address her concerns.  If you handle it well you could even impress her with your maturity.  Let your mom know you want to sit down and have a conversation with her and ask her when a good time would be.  If instead of giving a time she says "As soon as I get _____ done" then help her get it done!  

    When you sit down for your conversation, be sure to act like and state to your mother you're not questioning her decision to keep you out of 4-H (or her right to make that decision), but want to know what her concerns are about 4-H for you and your family.  (Asking her *concerns* puts you on the same side while asking *why* could put her on the defensive.)  Then listen.  Don't interrupt.  Just listen.  If she makes some vague broad statements, without interrupting, ask clarifying questions.  It will show you're both listening to her and interested in what she has to say.  Also be sure to keep an open body posture; keep your shoulders square to her, keep you hands open, separate, and toward her and open, don't slouch and stretch your head slightly toward her.  (You can scan through articles on body language and sales for more help.)  Nod as she's talking to show you're getting what she's saying.  When she's done talking thank your for her input and tell her you want some time to mull things over with her perspective in mind.  Even if this sounds weird and stilted to you, trust me, as a mother I can assure you your listening to your mother, consideration and thoughtfulness will impress her.  Even if she doesn't change her mind on 4-H how you handle it could pay off for you in many ways.  

    When you have time to yourself, make a list of your mother's concerns.  Accept each as valid write down different ways you could address them *while* being in 4-H.  Ex: After school activities means less time at job and less money for college.  Talk to people about how 4-H scholarships work and the easiest way to make money on animals at fair.  Ex: Mom would have to take evenings to chauffeur to and from meetings.  Find folks who would be willing to carpool to reduce transport obligation to a few times a year.  Once you have reasonable, easily workable solutions to each of your mother's concerns, write down what 4-H means to you and why that's important.    

    Do the same thing again.  Let your mom know you want to sit down and talk to her and ask when would be a good time.  Commit to meeting with her then to talk *but* be sure to help her out if she says, "as soon as I get done with *X*."

    Tell your mom you appreciate her taking the time to express her concerns earlier, that knowing her mind is so much more helpful than just a yes or no.  Tell her you appreciate her concerns and ask her if she'd be willing to hear your thoughts about it.  (Most moms will be flabbergasted enough to say yes. LOL)  Tell her you've written down her concerns (while moving along side her... it physically puts you on the same side) and have tried to address them.   Share your solutions and ask her if she thinks they reasonably address her concerns.  If any don't share *why* 4-H is important to you and ask her to brainstorm with you to come up with mutually acceptable solutions to her concerns.

    If there's any chance your mom will change her mind, this should make it the easiest for her to do so.  And no matter what your mother decides, respecting her right to make a decision, working with her concerns, and communicating openly and sincerely will go far to helping you get along.

    Good luck!

  2. And 4-h is????

  3. It's sense, not since.

    She has her reasons and you should respect her decision. You are the child and she is the parent. Your grades seldom have anything to do with a parent's decision making, your attitude does though.

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