ok, i am in 8th grade and asian, and i just wear consealer to school, everyone wears makeup and i feel left out or too young. i feel its time for me to wear it to make me look pretty, but not to attract guys. now my parents were born in the philippines, so my mom started when she was in college and only on special occasions. she doesnt want me to wear it till then. shes REALLY strict about this.
but i was born in the us, and raised here, and i feel so different from her. she said she didnt want to wear it when she was young, but i am completely different and think i should wear it to make good impressions to friends. i dont want to wear tons, just natural colors and lightly, but she keeps saying no and freaking out when i try to start a conversation. i feel so left out! what do i say to convince her? i feel really insecure. help :(