
How do i get my mom to stop drinking? help now please.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and my moms been a alcoholic since i was 5.

Ive tryed basically everything and anything i could

do to get her to stop, ive tryed convincing, ive tryed

bribeing, ive tryed to like show her what she does effects

me in bad ways. Anyone care to help ASAP?




  1. take all of the alcohal out of the house ( look EVERYWHERE) and whenever she buys it, pour it out in the sink. tell her, that she needs to stop NOW, and that you will take matters into your own hands. you could try to sign her up for group counciling, and also get the rest of the family involoved.

  2. If you can't beat em, join em.

    Honestly, my mom drinks a lot and is a jerk when she does.

    She is a lot more bearable when I am drunk too.

    I know it isn't the right option but I am so mentally exhausted and unhappy, its the only thing that works.

    Hey, if you find anything, email me.

    I need advice too.

  3. send her to rehab. You need it for her as much as she needs it.

    I'm really sorry about your situation. :(

    good luck hunny

  4. Call alanon/alateen...its support for people who know/care about an alcoloholic.

  5. She has to want to stop. There is no one she will listen to if she doesn't want help. She will have to hit rock bottom. You should go to alateen though. How about that show intervention? Although I don't know where you are from,so I don't know if it available where you are. But, people actually write them and they do get some of them to go for help, like rehab. I wish you good luck.

  6. get other family members involved. other family friends and such.

    my best friend's mom was like this for awhile...

    it took her moving in full time with her dad for it to finally work.....

    mind you, it took 2 years.

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