
How do i get my mom to take me to builda bear work shop

by  |  earlier

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  1. Just ask her to.  It isn't that expensive.  I got my daughter a bear with an outfit for under $25.  Maybe you could get her to do it for a special occasion.  Ask until she gives in.  That is what my daughter does to me.  After a while I can't say no to that adorable face.

  2. tell her you'll wash her car for 2 months

  3. tell her youll do whatever she wants and give her footrubs lol!

    ASK IF I CAN COME TOO! I took you too the movies!

  4. Do extra stuff for her and she will see  that you have helped and will take you  

  5. Do loads of chores and every morning make her some tea or something.

    This worked with my mom, so it should work with yours.........


  6. Like others said, ask if you can help around the house with anything, the next time she goes to the mall, maybe you can stop by Build-a-bear if there is one.

    Good luck :)

  7. If it's located in a mall then..wait until there's something she needs from the mall and just let her know that you wanna go with her.  Then when you get there just say something like mom can we go check out build a bear since it's nearby and I promise I will not ask you again all the kids say its a lot of fun.  If its not in a mall then figure out a way to get her in the vacinity of the store and try this same technique.

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