
How do i get my mum to let me have a horse?

by Guest33639  |  earlier

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she says we cant afford one but my heart is set on having one i asked her if i could get one on loan bu she still said no.




  1. tell her that if you cant have a horse your gonna marry a dude from the ghetto

  2. Nay dont bother its a very expensive hobby your mother cant afford.

  3. why dont you share a horse, then you only have to look after it 2/3 days a week, and it is cheaper than having your own or loaning one (roughly £20 a week). You can then ride it whenever you want on your days that you look after it. there are loads of people looking for sharers on

    Good Luck :)

  4. Horses are majorly expensive animals I have one myself Im 14 and my parents somtimes have trouble paying for it...=] im lucky  I have one!

  5. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. That's that. First of all, you need to have a big peice of land for the horse to run free on, and enough ffence to cover it. You need enough for the horse, his shots, and his food. ALso, you need money for the barn, horseshoes, riding supplies (saddle, helmet, boots.etc.)

    Owning a horse costs ALOT of money. If you're mom can't afford one right now, that's just it. Money doesn't grow on trees.

    Frankly, many people want to have a horse at some point in their life, and then put it behind them eventually.

    But if you're really serious, save up some money, and then go to mom again in a few months and tell her you can put towards it, and she can, too, and a loan from the bank.

    Good luck!

  6. take lessons and show her how good you are.

    after a while set out for a horse you can lease.

    i've also heard that if you get a friend at the stables she might let you ride her horse once in a while...or you can get a job at the stables and you can work for your lessons/riding time. ^^

    good luck!

  7. ask if you can pay half rent where you feed them do there boxes morning night and you put them out in field then they cost less and once a week let someone ride it for an hour some1 who dont have a horse then you making money off it. out here in spain we get amazing horses really cheap. my last one was like 500 euros one before that my first one was 1300 and he was amazing

  8. if she cant afford one she cant afford one!

    Get a summer job and buy one yourself......

    You don't just buy a horse you also have to pay for stables, food shoes etc . Horse's cost a lot of money!

  9. Then you can't get one. But you could start a power point to show her why, or start saving and then tell her how you could use the money.

  10. if she cant afford a horse she just cant get u 1

  11. If the animal cannot be afforded then it cant be afforded, whats the point in getting one then mistreating it because the funds are not there to look after it properly, mum knows best!

  12. I spent most of my childhood asking for a horse and both my mum and dad said no "to expencive" ect so i spent years saving then when i turned 18 i bought my horse my self!!! my perents dont have any thing to do with the expence or resposibility of her i do it all!! it is hard work and i have to work my butt off just so i can feed and stable her!!

    it not just the feed you have to think about you have to pay insurance, livery, hay, feed, bedding,  water rates, farrier every 8weeks, vet at least min once a year rugs, tack, your equipment,ie hat, jods, boots, ect. vets can be very expencive, i've just had to pay £190 for callout fee, vaccinations and general check over (that has to be done every year!!)

    Its not just the cost! if your horse is stables then you have to go and groom and exerice every day and muck out at least twice a day which means getting up a the crack of dawn to do it before work/school and then again when your really tired to do it all over!! no days off, no holidays and no time or money to your self.!! dont get me wrong i love my horse and wouldn't change her for the world but i could not have done it when i was in school and i thank my mum for not letting me buy her untill i was ready to look after and pay for her myself!!

    you really need to think about the resposibility involved in owning a horse! i suggest stay at your local stables and enjoy horses untill you have the time and money yourself to care for a horses of you own. sorry iknow this is probably not what you wanted to hear! i know i didn't like to hear it when poeple said it all to me but i am glad i waited because i now know my horse is mine because i worked hard for it!!

  13. tell her its cheaper than a car and it doesnt use gas.

  14. If you can;t afford one, you cant have one. Ask your mother if it would be OK for her, if you worked off a lease. Meaning, you work for the person you are leasing the horse from. NOTHING FALLS FROM THE SKY!!!!!!!

  15. Arrange for her to win the lottery.  Then she can afford to indulge you.

  16. Why do you need a horse

    We have cars right now

    If you love horse go to the zoo everyday

  17. well that is hard cause if you cant afford a horse, you cant afford a horse. It is really expensive. Why dont you go to the stables that you work at and ask them if there is a horse you can ride after you work everyday there. the horse would probably be kinda like yours, and who knows maybe they will give it to you with free board. Hope that helps.


  18. I doubt you'll get a horse of your own judging by the sound of your Mum. Why not try sharing a horse?

    Ask around your riding stables and other liveries if they are short of time and need someone to ride their horse. For a small contribution you could look after and ride a horse for three or so days a week. It's realy good.

  19. If you go to your nearest stables they will probably let you ride for free if in return you shovel horseshit for them for a couple of hours every day.

  20. horses are very expensive so if she says she can't afford it...she can't put an ad up in your paper saying you will come to someone's house and help with the horses eg: horse excersing and grooming therefore you get to ride way more

  21. owning a horse is a huge expense and commitment. perhaps you can volunteer at a ranch or stable

  22. break her arm.

  23. having a horse doesnt need to be expensive, although it can be.  Here are some costs although the list can be alot more.

    I have 2 horses, each costs £30 per month to stay on a farm, I have previously used livery at £60 a week big difference!!

    I'm lucky that they both stay good on grass so no feed costs (Apr-Dec) but come winter i feed cubes and chaff around £10 per week. shoes cost around 50-60 full set, trim around 15.

    come winter a large round bale is £18-20 which will last around 3-4 weeks, straw is around the same, more if you use shavings.

    vet fees can be anything and very expensive.

    horse prices vary but be careful what you buy, visit several times and sometimes unexpected so you get to see the horse in true.

    Tack that fits correctly can vary but check any 2nd hand for safety.

    Do your homework for where you live.

    If it's still too much for your mum then why not try a riding school, ask for work in exchange for riding.  I did this for years as my mum said the same, I was 35 before I could afford one myself but it never stopped me riding.

    Dont give up owning a horse can bring problems, sometimes it better to borrow from a riding school in exchange for a few hrs work and then any problems are at their cost!!

  24. Maybe if you give a good enough reason.

    i want o horse too, and my reason is becuase i need to have horse experience to get into my high school, and the horse i want is abused and unloved.

    My advce is learning as much as you can about horses, so you have more backup for when you want to ask your mom. I read alot of horse books, and man do they help! You can also test your knowlegde at a riding farm or something, so your instructor knows that you have knowledge with horses too.

    good luck!

  25. I know how you feel!! I love horses too but your mom is only thinking of the horse if you can't afford to feed her and you get her that's just being selfish ( no offense) but really count your blessings I love horses and I can't even volunteer @ a barn... and lessons? Jeeze i wish i was you !!!

    wait until you finish your lessons and save enough money to buy her then get a full time job to pay for her feed and Bord

    don't give up! but my best friend just got a horse and she works @ the barn to pay for her horse's Bord and food maybe if you save the $$$ to buy her you could pay for her other stuff like that?

    but don't beg that's just being immature and will convince your mom that you are the little kid your acting like

    good Luck

  26. A horse is a lot of responsibility, and can be very exspensive.  

    Tell your mum your willing to pay some of the loan exspense, pay for horse food and equiptment etc.  And that you will look after the horse and your mum doesnt have to help you - gives her a break you see!  

    If you've done something really well eg.test results, been helpful that kind of thing, just say and maybe she will come round.  Or do some chores, or somethink for charity, she will think your very responsible!  Or get a job - paper round or somethink.  Ask another family member to help pay towards it.  

    Or while shes at work, tidy up the house, clean everything up, hoover etc.  Then when she comes home it will be a surprise for her, and she'll think - 'if my daughter can clean the whole house in less than 2 hours, then i think shes definitely ready for that horse!'

  27. Yeah...if you want one that badly, show that you're willing to pay for it. Save money, get a job. etc.

    They are very expensive creatures to keep. There's the cost for the horse, renting stables, vet bills, food bills, equipment bills - for all the tack etc. If you're that young, then there's a good chance you won't be able to afford it by yourself.

    If you aren't part of a stables clique already, you can go and offer to help out at a local one. It'll show you what the responsibility of having a horse is like and you'll likely pick up some good information about, well, everything horse-related. :-)

  28. Horses are very expensive and very time consuming.  You should try to understand if your mum says she can't afford one.

    A horse on loan will still incur the same costs (livery, food, vets, farrier) as buying one - the only difference is obviously not paying out the purchase price.

    I don't know how old you are and what you understand about the economic climate in the UK at the moment, but your mum is wise not to try to stretch her finances too far at the moment.

    I was always taught when growing up that I couldn't have everything I wanted.  Why don't you see if there is a local stables you can help out at or something, to allow you more involvement with horses.

  29. Your Mum is not being mean when she says she can't afford a horse, she knows how much money is needed to keep thee family.  Horses are expensive to keep and very very time consuming.  You can't just have a horse and then when th novelty of all the work wears off put it away in a cupboard.  Keep going to the stables and having riding lessons (you are lucky to be able to have these) then when you are earning from full time employment if you still want a horse buy your own.

  30. I don't think you understand how much it cost to own a horse. The horse it's self is a lot, then what about a barn, horse trainer etc. Even if you board that at minimum 100 a month, lower costing ones don't include feed. What about hoof trimming, vaccinations ( can easy run 200)feed,tack,etc etc ,. What happens when your horse colic's, that can be 1000 plus. You relay need to take a step back and look at the big picture, if you cant afford the horse its self, can you afford the vet bills?? Think about the horse, will it be happy and healthy?!?!?!

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