
How do i get my new hamster to sleep in his new Snuggle Pouch

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Hi i bought a hamster snuggle pouch for my brand new hamster Ellie when i bought her an Yesterday, how do i get her to sleep in the new pouch as it is furry and comfy I've even put fruit bits and raisins in there for her to go in but shes still sleeping on the shavings in the corner by the wheel and in the food bowl (lol shes so cute in the food bowl) but i want her to go in the pouch

any suggestions




  1. the food would work with rats, but i think with a hamster pick it up when shes sleepy and put her in the pouch and gentley stroke her.

  2. they dont care waht you want, animals will do what they want, if she wants to sleep in the pouch, she will, but its not up to you to decide what she does or doesnt do.

  3. Put the pouch its favorite spot or where it likes to sleep... make sure you get rid of that new pouch smell... try placing the old pouch or a shirt of yours inside of the pouch to give it a new smell, something the hamster likes to smell

  4. push her in... duhhh

  5. Try putting the pouch in the corner where she likes to sleep,may be she will get the idea , then move it where you want it and she will probably go for it.  But it has to be her idea to move in.  

  6. I would say give it time, but all the hamsters I've ever owned would only want to sleep in the beds that they created. (it sucks) lol

  7. Hamsters like to sleep in a spot that feels hidden or protected to them.  You may need to move the pouch to another location before she will try it.  Also, she might like it better when the nights get cooler.

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