
How do i get my new pet rat to like me after he's bitten me?

by Guest60889  |  earlier

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i've just gotten a new rat (around less then a year old) from one of my friends sister. me and my mom had put him in my room after having him like ten minutes or so, i put my hand in, letting him come to me first if he wanted too, and he bit me. it's not the pain that botherd me it's more the fact that i've never been bitten by a pet before and now i'm scared he's not going to like me, let me feed him or handle him. so does anyone know what i can do to make him like me? haha, peas.




  1. Well, Ideally you should have left him 24Hrs to settle. But once he has settled, put your hand in the cage and call him over. He needs to get to know your smell

  2. I've got a pet who will solve you're problem, sorry only kidding!!

  3. make sure ur hands always smell the same when u play with him. at least hand feed him once a day. rats need to be played with everyday 2 get used 2 people.

  4. i had the same problem with one of my rats. when i put my hand in their cage Remy bit me, i got a bit of a shock as i wasnt expecting this, but if you dont want to get bit, make sure you wash your hands before you handle your rat, you could wear a glove or make your hand into a fist and your rat wont bite it. Remy actually bit me again but it didnt even hurt, it was more of a nibble actually. try putting some food in the rats cage and let the rat go to the treats, then place your hand in the cage with some treats on it. even if your rat bites, dont pull your hand away, it will probably be a nibble more than a bite

  5. make sure your hands don't smell of food as they eat anything, it may also bite if it is ill, don't scare it, put your hand in gently and scope it up for a cuddle, don't kiss it on the lips, I made this mistake once and have the scar to prove it!

  6. make sure u wash your hands before touching your rat.

    if he was new when you put ur hand in the cage he might be feeling scared and insecure about what u were gonna do, so he bit you 2 defend himself. offer him treats from the palm of your hand and if he crawls onto your hand, gently pick him up. do this 4 a couple of weeks and he will like u.

  7. say hello every time u see him don't make dat much noise in the room when ur in it you might be scaring him see

    i went through dat ive a gerbil

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