
How do i get my one year old to eat?

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My son is 1 and i am having a lot of trouble getting him to eat a variety of food. I started him on solids very late around 10 months because he has a bowel problem and he is severely constipated. He is now getting tests and treatment for this, but getting him to eat is so difficult. Every morning he has cereal and he will eat this with no problems, but anything else i offer to him being sweet or savoury, lumpy or smooth is rejected. I dont know what i can do and i am very worried because at his age he should be having a large variety of food. Starting him later obviously has something to do with it but i just need some advice as to how to introduce the foods he needs....




  1. Just keep doing what you are doing and offering him a wide variety of food. Eventually he will try something and like it. You can also put what he doesn't eat back in a container and try again the next day. I once heard that you have to offer something to a toddler on average about 9-10 times before they really try it, which I have found to be true, especially with vegetables on my son's plate.

    Always offer food before the bottle or the breast, otherwise he may just be plain full.

  2. Can you sneak anything into the cereal?  Use Pediasure instead of milk with the cereal?

  3. All you can do is offer him a variety of foods; there is no guarantee that he will eat them! Don't "force" him to eat either - you can't, plus you're setting yourself up for a battle of wills. Believe me, I know from experience that no one wins that game!

    Also, don't offer too much juice/milk; that fills up little bellies fast and will curb his appetite.

    Best of luck to you, and if you're worried about nutrition talk to your doctor; he/she might recommend pediasure or similar.

  4. I didn't start giving my daughter solids until very late. She don't sit down and eat, she'd much rather eat and go... almost snacking. I have found that she'll eat  more that way. She also seems to want to try things if she see's us eating it. Just keep offering and eventually he will take it. Just keep trying and don't get too worried about it. He'll turn out fine!

  5. Bribe him.

  6. My 1yr old daughter took awhile as well to get used to food and was very picky I was so concerned for so long and what I found out if you just stay patient and consistent and always offer him food of course maybe in very little portions in case he wants to waste then eventually he will I promise you will start to experiment and take a chance at something. He has to do it at his own pace nobody should force him or he will definately not want anything and it will prolong this for you. Just try everyday a few times a day and eat your meals in front of him and show your enjoyment with your food. I always put things in her cereal to get her started she never rejected it cuz she never knew it was in their. He may be smarter but you can try. If it works put a few fruits, veg's, meats, whatever you want in small cut up pieces into the cereal and try to see if he takes it. Then from their try things on his try, or keep eating in front of him and putting food in his cereal he will eventually eat like he should dont worry give him time and dont let him feel your frustration be calm.

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