
How do i get my overhand v-ball serve over.?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i am 13, 4'11'' and i on my schools volleyball team

i have a great under hand serve, it goes over and deep or short( i can control how hard i hit it, lol)

but like everyong on my A-team( the team i am on) serves overhand, i have tried doing it before but i cant do it!

i stpe toss swing and either miss or get the ball like 10 feet ahead of me,

please help,

it would help millions and millions of tonssssssssss!






  1. I believe if you have good controls over your under-hand serve, you should be able to serve overhand with a little more practice. At USYVL I coached some 10-year-old kids who were new to volleyball, and most of them were able to serve 3 in a row after couple of weeks (two meets each week).

    The way we helped them to gain more confidence (yes, that is another key factor) is to let them start at the 10-ft line, serve ten good ones, and move back 5-ft after every 10 good serves till they reach the end line. It is easier to get the feel of the ball and put better control in your hand/palm when you are at the 10-ft line.

  2. A common mistake is throwing the ball too high when you first start learning to do this serve. My tips? Keep the ball well in front of you on the release so you can watch it better. Don't try to throw the ball so high. You may want to even just hold the ball with your non-hitting hand, and practice hitting the ball off of your hand. As you get more comfortable with the movement, then try tossing the ball up a little bit at a time. Don't try to kill the ball - just moreso tap it over the net until you find what's working for you. I love volleyball too. Good luck.

  3. Here are some steps to overhand serving that I've used to help a lot of people who have had trouble with their overhand serve. Just relax, take a deep breath, and try this:

    1. Make sure you are lined up correctly

    -Put your feet together at a 45 degree angle

    -Spread them apart to where you are comfortable, keeping them at the proper angle.

    2. Align you tossing hand

    -Your hand should be parallel to your hitting arm, not straight out in front of you.

    3. Toss

    -Keeping your tossing hand parallel to hitting hand, gently lift the ball STRAIGHT UP so it doesn't move behind your head.

    4. Steps

    -At this moment, your right foot should be behind your left. When approaching the ball, there are two options.

    a. The One-Step

    -Take one small step with your left foot.

    b. The Two-Step

    -Take one small step with your right foot, and then another with your left.

    5. Strike

    -The ball is in the air, and you bring your hitting arm back, up, and using your palm (not your fist) you will hit the ball in it's center, and still watching the ball, snap your wrist to add topspin.

    -Finish your serve by bringing your arm to your thigh, this will add power and direction.

  4. practice practice practice, i know people may tell you this, but it searouley helps, just practice serving the ball to the wall of your house or go to an open gym.

  5. the trick in serving is you have to remember really swing at the ball. it also helps to make sure your toss is just in front of you. and when serving. watch your hand connect with the ball.

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