
How do i get my parakeets to make eggs?

by  |  earlier

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i had my parakeets for a while and they never made eggs




  1. first of all, they are collany breeders, meaning, they need more that just 2 birds to to encourage breeding, some try to trick the birds by playing a recording of several birds in a cage, lots of other birds sounds can encourage breeding of the first pair, their offspring will grow and then, the collany begins, and the recorded sounds are no longer needed.

  2. My parakeets never made me eggs either. Every morning I'd wake up hungry for and sometimes want a nice omelet and even though the parakeets lived in the kitchen they never bothered to make me an omelet once.

  3. umm i think they have to be 12 months old first.then mak/buy a nestbow for them.why do u want to make them have eggs anyway,its more responsibility

  4. Just a quick check list--

    Do you for sure have a male and female?

    Are they older than 12 months?

    Are they on a healthy diet (not just seeds-- pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, etc)?

    Are you providing extra supplements like a cuttlebone and mineral block?

    Do the birds like one another?

    Are they in a large enough cage?

    Do they have a nest box?

    Do they have nesting material to put in the nest box?

    Are they in a very noisy/busy part of the house?

    Are they fully comfortable in your home?

    Is it warm enough?

    Are they getting roughly 12 hours of day light a day?

    Have they been checked by an avian vet for any possible underlying illness or disease? (some diseases don't overly affect adult birds, but can destroy any breeding attempt you have)

    If the answer was yes to all of that, then you might just have to wait a little longer, some birds aren't big layers.

  5. Uh, you kind of need a female to even lay the eggs, and if you don't know the sexes of your birds you might just as well have 2 males.  

  6. You just need to have a bird house I have parakeets and they had 2 babies diffrent ages and the oldest had to be taken away from it's parents so my uncle bought a diffrent species in a cage with mines then when he tried to feed it it flew out the door, so then they didn't want the other bird so then me and my mom went to get a mate for it and a diffrent cage after that I'm waiting for them to have babies.

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